Sunday, March 28, 2010

Something to chew on

I am really tired tonight and am without I thought I would give you a quote to think's from a great movie called The Emperor's Club...

Great ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So as of right now my stress level is running high.  I feel like I have a lot of things to do but at the same time like I don't.

Also it always seems that right around this time of the school year, I begin to wish I was at home all the time!  I find myself getting annoyed with little things that I shouldn't be annoyed with.  But it is a good thing that I know this about myself.  My game plan for the last two months of school is to really buckle down and get things done and to spend quite a bit of time with my family.  I know that some people give me a hard time about going home on weekends (and trust me I don't every weekend), but my thinking is that I love being with my family so why not go home and be with them.  Also because of the forementioned annoyance that I have, I need a break from everything.

As my junior year is coming to a close, I have really realized that I have grown up alot in the three years I have been at HU.  I will elaborate on that later because right now I have a lot of things to get done! 

God Bless

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Education Majors Rejoice

So my loving mother sent me this blog that she thought I would love. It is a teacher who writes about the different things that she encounters while teaching.  It is sooo funny and clever written!  Seeing how most of the people (like 4 out of five haha) are education majors, I knew you guys would love it! It is called It's not all Flowers and Sausages.  And even if you are not an education major...check this blog may make you chuckle!

Today I am subbing at my old elementary school!  Pray that everything goes smoothly!  Also pray that every who is spending spring break traveling to warmer places (darn them!) is safe!

God Bless

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I love my Family!

So I made it to spring break finally!  It so far has been a wonderful spring break!  Everyone needs a break from the craziness that is school.  This spring break has made me realize how much I love my family!  Ben has been home for a few days from ohio, and I must say he semms much more mature and grown up!  It has always been a struggle for us to get along...but my respect level for him has gone up...i was able to see him handle a situation in a grown up respectful manner yesterday and it was very cool!

I have a pretty busy rest of the week but oh least I get to be with my family!

God Bless

Monday, March 8, 2010

Light at the end of the Tunnel

This is the week before spring break here at good ole HU.  And let me tell you it is going to be a crazy one!!!  I have a lot of stuff that I need to get done before I go home for a relaxing week (well as relaxing as it can be with homework and other stuff!)  This will most likely be my only post this week, so savor it...enjoy it.  Be praying that I can stay focused on all the stuff I need to get done!  I hope that you have a less stressful week than I will be having!

God Bless

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Integrity and Gossip

Today in chapel Bill Fisher talked about Integrity.  It was a really good chapel.  He talked about how being a Christian with integrity doesn't mean that you are perfect, but it does mean that when you do screw up you handle it with integrity.  He also talked about the idea that we take tiny quarter turns in the wrong direction.   know that may not make complete sense to you, but it does to me.  He also talked about having integrity means that who you are at home and by yourself is the same as who you are around others.

As I had a little one-on-one time with God, I really thought about the idea of gossip.  For me gossip is my biggest uarter turn in the wrong direction.  It is something that I find myself struggling with constantly.  I love to know what is going on in people's lives...I am a people person by nature.  I think it is okay to want to have an interest in people in my life, but I need to focus on building that relationship with those people directly and not talking about them behind their backs.  One thing I also noticed was how I justify talking about people...I find myself justifying it by saying that I'm "worried about them" and feel the need to discuss those worries with someone.  Or I will call my mom to "vent" about something that happened and in turn find myself gossiping. In Ephesians 4:29 it says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only
what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."  I need to use my words to build others up and not put them down.

So I am a gossiper.  What can I do about it?  How can I change my actions?  I am making a conscience decision to remove myself from situations when gossip in action.  This will be very hard for me.  I live with girls...and as all girls know we tend to get gossipy alot.  I have always said I need to not gossip as much....well now I am actually going to do something about it.  I tied a piece of hemp around my wrist as a visual reminder.  I am going to ask my roommates to keep me accountable and to be praying for me.   I encourage any one to join me in this endeavor....let me know so I can be praying for you as well.

God Bless

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Money Makes the World Go Round

So lately I have been stressed out about money issues.  I've been worrying about getting all the support money I need to go to Ireland.  Well, the other day my dad called me and we talked about my money for Ireland.  We estimated the amount of support money that I will get from my letters, the church, my bank account, my parents, and so forth.  It definatly put my worrying mind to ease!  I need to remember that where God is at work things happen! 

Also I currently am borrowing my mom's car to drive to practicums and things for my major.  Ben (little brother) is driving Ethel (my car) and will be driving it for a while.  But my dad said that when the tax money comes in we can start to look for a cheap used car for me!!!! Hooray!!! 

That is all I have for today!  I leave you with a verse that I love and pictures some of the people in my life that come to mind as I read this verse!:
John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

My dear friend Krista

My Brothers who I love so much!
My camp girls who I miss daily
My roommates who make my life wonderful

God Bless

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sicky McSickerson

You know that feeling when you are trying with all your might to not throw up?  Well that was me today in chapel.  I was really looking forward to the praise and worship chapel and then part way through I had to sit down and the rest of chapel was spent trying not to throw up!  It was quite the bummer.  I made it back to my apartment before getting sick.  But today will be spent sleeping and being sick.  No Fun!

Pray that I start to feel better because I have so much stuff to do!

God Bless