So today in chapel, the speaker talked about one of my favorite bible stories....The story of Joesph. I have always really loved this bible story...probably because I loved the musical Joesph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat! So after chapel I came back to do my devotions. I decided that today I would read the story of Joesph because I must admit it had been a while since I last read it.
It really struck a chord with me. Joesph has some really crappy times in his life...his brothers turn against him and sell him....he is accused of trying to rape his employer's wife....he is thrown in jail. But what really stuck out to me (and the speaker talked about) was that everytime something crappy happened to him the bible also said that the Lord was with Joesph. In chapter 39 alone, it says that the Lord was with Joesph 4 times.
I have been having a rough time myself lately although it isn't anywhere close to being thrown into jail or being sold into slavery! But I know that the Lord is with me and through this rough patch I am being taken care of and it is part of God's will for me event though I forget that sometimes.
My challenge to you today is to read the amazing story of Joesph and to know that through everything (good and bad) the Lord is with you.
Ireland Update: I am continuing to work on raising my support and though it seems like I will never have the money needed, I need to remind myself that with God things happen. Be praying that I will be less stressed about money! I also as of late have been struggling with encouragement (it's a long story, one that I don't feel the need to share on the internet!) if you are out there in blog world (yes i just made that world up hehe) send some encouragement and prayers my way! They would be much appreciated!
God Bless