Thursday, February 18, 2010

30 minute challenge

So today instead of having a typical chapel, our campus pastor sent out a 30 minute challenge for us to do.  It was amazing how awesome spending that 30 minutes doing nothing but listening and talking to God.  It was really good for me.

One of the verses that was sent to us to read was Psalm 9:2 which says, "I will be filled with joy because of you, I will sing praises to your name, O Most High."   This verse really knocked me back.  This is the verse that I had chosen to be my focus verse this past summer at camp.  I wanted to focus on joy and finding joy and God in every little thing.  Well as of late, I feel like I have let things creep into my life and I find myself being negative about a lot of things.  God reminded me of my focus to be find joy in everything through this verse which I had totally forgotten about.  So my challenge to you today is to find joy because you will be filled with joy because of God our King and Savior!

Spend sometime with God is amazing!

God Bless

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