Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Missions Week

This week at Huntington we are having a week with chapels that focus on missions.  Missions is something that I have been thinking alot about lately....I feel like it may be something God could use me for after I graduate.  As of late alot of things have come up that are missions oriented.  Last week, A guy spoke to the education majors about teaching in a different country at a Christian school (I could see myself doing this).  At the retreat this past weekend, some people talked about their mission work in Africa.  And then this week we are focusing on missions.  This will be something I need to be praying about. 

One thing from the chapel today that really stood out was that Dr. Fetters said that my generation quotes Francis of Assisi alot , "Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words."  He said that someone has to use words.  Someone has to talk about Jesus.  It really made me think!

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Kellyn - I thought chapel was so good today, and it really got me thinking, too. I especially loved that he threw that quote in there too because a lot of times it seems to me like missions is just about going to helping people, when in reality they need to hear the gospel, too. Love ya!


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